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Victorious Place Christian Academy

School year: 2025 - 2026

Grades: K - 8th

Accepting Students

Microschool site photo

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Meet the guide

Denise Pass

Past teacher
Homeschool exp.
music Teacher,
An adult microschool guide

"Unleashing Potential, One Mind at a Time

"Pastor Denise McGinnis Pass is a devoted servant of the Lord, dedicated to spreading the Word of Jesus Christ. With over 30 years of ministry experience, she has shaped countless lives, particularly children and youth. As a passionate educator, Pastor Pass empowers the next generation to become leaders and entrepreneurs, instilling values of hard work, self-reliance, and innovative thinking. A loving wife, mother, and grandmother, Pastor Pass continues to serve the Lord with unwavering dedication, inspiring others to deepen their faith and pursue their passions."

Denise's badges

Badges are earned by guides based on their professional development, community leadership level, and other notable accomplishments.

Prenda Guide Certification (2024-2025)

Weekly schedule

Each microschool runs on its own unique schedule.

Microschool information

  • Swimming pool


  • Backyard


  • Recess


  • Pets in the microschool


  • Nearby park


  • Field trips


We're around Tampa

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Seats Available